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45 lines
-- File Name ConfigureMasterScript
-- Written By: Peter B. Nagel
-- Date Created: December 10, 1991 9:12:36 AM
-- Description:
-- A start up script for MasterScript that configures all of its modules
-- Change History:
set the MSGSDELAY of window "Messages Monitor" to 0
set the MSGSMONITORING of window "Messages Monitor" to FALSE
set the visible of window "MasterScript Worksheet" to TRUE
set the visible of window "Variables Monitor" to TRUE
set the visible of window "Messages Monitor" to TRUE
set the visible of window "Externals Monitor" to TRUE
set the rect of window "Variables Monitor" to 4,35,316,247
set the rect of window "Messages Monitor" to 4,261,316,473
set the rect of window "Externals Monitor" to 322,35,634,247
set the VARSMONITORING of window "Variables Monitor" to TRUE
set the VARSDISPLAY of window "Variables Monitor" to ActiveVars
set the MSGSMONITORING of window "Messages Monitor" to TRUE
set the MSGSDISPLAY of window "Messages Monitor" to "RecordAll"
set the MSGSTICKS of window "Messages Monitor" to FALSE
set the MSGSHANDLER of window "Messages Monitor" to FALSE
set the MSGSBUFFER of window "Messages Monitor" to 100
set the MSGSDELAY of window "Messages Monitor" to 0
set the MSGSTRAPPING of window "Messages Monitor" to TRUE
put "\\Δmouse" into temp
set the MSGSTRAPLIST of window "Messages Monitor" to temp
set the XCMDMONITORING of Window "Externals Monitor" to TRUE
set the XCMDDISPLAY of Window "Externals Monitor" to "xParamBlock"
set the XCMDWINDEVENTS of Window "Externals Monitor" to FALSE
set the XCMDCALLBACKS of Window "Externals Monitor" to FALSE
set the XCMDDELAY of Window "Externals Monitor" to 0
put "xActivateEvt" & return & "xUpdateEvt" into temp
set the XCMDTRAPLIST of Window "Externals Monitor" to temp